Chemical, Microbial and Sensory Properties of Improved Shea Butter during Ambient Storage


  • U. I. Ibanga Federal college of Freshwater Fisheries Technology, New Bussa,Niger State.Nigeria
  • A. Raji
  • A. K. Oladele
  • C. Isinguzo


Improved shea butter, Sensoryattributes Keeping quality, Rancidity and Microbial growth.


Manually extractedimproved shea butters are vegetable fat from parboiled, fried, toasted and boiled sheakernel streated by clarification and deodorization with citric acid solution and coconut essence. They were packaged in transparent plastic containers and stored on the laboratoryshelf at 28±2oC for four months. Sensory changes were monitored biweekly and peroxide and microbial changes were monitored weekly using standard methods. Unlike the traditionally processed shea butter which was not treated with citric acid and had an optimal sensory acceptability of two weeks,sensory attributesof  improved shea butter samplesimproved  during storage. There were neither noticeable microbial growths nor rancidity.Treatment with citric acid solution and coconut flavour thus preserved the sensory attributes and keeping quality of improved shea butter at ambient storage.

Author Biography

  • U. I. Ibanga, Federal college of Freshwater Fisheries Technology, New Bussa,Niger State.Nigeria
    Senior lecturer, Food Technology


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How to Cite

Chemical, Microbial and Sensory Properties of Improved Shea Butter during Ambient Storage. (2015). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 3(4).

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