Production and Evaluation of Storage Changes in Soursop-Juice


  • Patience John Kwaya
  • Sakina Bello


Soursop, pulp, juice, microbial, sensory quality


Pasteurized soursop juice was produced from the ripened fruit pulp (Annona muricata L.). The physico-chemical, microbial and sensorial qualities were evaluated during storage at refrigeration (6oC) and ambient (30oC) temperatures as samples A and B. The results showed that processing of the pulp into juice affected the physico-chemical and microbial properties. The storage study of the juice samples showed a rapid decrease in soluble solids, pH, protein and fibre in sample A by 61.17%, 26.83%, 59.10% and 64.71% than in sample B (25.14, 14.63, 30.91 and 34.12%). There were increases in the total microbial counts in sample A (1.36-7.91 log cfu/ml) and B (1.36-4.60 log cfu/ml cfu/ml). Same trend was observed for yeast and mould counts in sample A (1.14-4.45 log cfu/ml) and B (1.14-2.42 log cfu/ml) respectively. No coliform growth was observed in both samples. Overall, refrigerated sample B (64.10 %) was more sensorially acceptable than ambient sample A (25.64 %) during the storage period.


Author Biography





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How to Cite

Production and Evaluation of Storage Changes in Soursop-Juice. (2014). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 2(5).

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