A A Five-Year Evaluation of Patient Falls and Cost Analysis: Acıbadem Healthcare Group Example



  • Saliha Koç Aslan Acibadem Health Care, Türkiye
  • Gülay Göçmen Acibadem Health Care, Türkiye
  • Arzu Okur Biber Acibadem Health Care, Türkiye




fall, patient, cost



Purpose: This study was conducted to examine patient falls and the costs associated with falls in a private group hospital in the last five years.

Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study. Data was obtained by examining 637 patient falls in 16 hospitals affiliated with Acıbadem Health Group between 2018 and 2022. Data were collected by examining fall data transmitted through the incident reporting system and pricing department data.

Results: A total of 637 patient falls occurred between 2018 and 2022, and it was determined that 0.38% of the patients evaluated for fall risk had a fall. 48.8% of the patients who fell were patients over the age of 65, it was determined that 61% of the falls occurred during the evening shift or on holidays, and the most patient falls occurred in inpatient services. While the total cost of falls was 83,404 TL in 2018, it is seen that it increased to 201,840 TL in 2022.

Conclusion: Serious falls in hospitals cause patients to stay in the hospital for longer periods of time and increase the cost of hospitalization. It is recommended to take and follow up the necessary precautions to prevent falls, which are of critical importance in terms of patient safety, effective use of healthcare system resources and manpower.

Author Biographies

  • Saliha Koç Aslan, Acibadem Health Care, Türkiye

    Director of Nurses.

  • Arzu Okur Biber, Acibadem Health Care, Türkiye

    Hospital Nurse Manager


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How to Cite

A A Five-Year Evaluation of Patient Falls and Cost Analysis: Acıbadem Healthcare Group Example: . (2025). Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.24203/hqc8m807

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