Determination of Radiosurgery Treatment Volume for Intracranial Germ Cell Tumors (GCTS)
germ cell tumor (GCT), stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), target volume, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)Abstract
Background: Radiation therapy (RT) volumes for intracranial germ cell tumors (GCTs) may include focal treatment volumes, whole ventricle irradiation, whole brain irradiation, or irradiation of the entire neuroaxis. RT doses and volumes for management of primary intracranial GCTs have been an area of active research over the years. Improved sparing of critical organs by use of less extensive RT volumes and lower doses has been investigated for avoiding excessive morbidity of treatment. Herein, we assess intracranial GCT treatment volume determination.
Methods: Treatment volume definition for intracranial GCT by incorporation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was comparatively assessed in our study. Reference volume for comparison purposes was defined after thorough assessment and collaboration of the board certified radiation oncologists. Definition of radiosurgery target volume was based solely on CT images or fusion of CT with MRI. Comparative evaluation of treatment volume determination was performed.
Results: Ground truth target volume defined after thorough evaluation and collaboration of the board certified radiation oncologists was similar with treatment volume definition based on CT-MR fusion based imaging.
Conclusions: In conclusion, radiosurgery treatment planning for intracranial GCTs may be improved by incorporation of MRI into target definition process. Clearly, further studies are warranted to draw firm conclusions on optimal target definition for intracranial GCT radiosurgery.
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