Implication of Social Presence on Loyalty in Virtual Community


  • Yueh-Hua Lee Tamkang University


Social presence, Virtual community, Loyalty


This study aims to explore whether social presence exhibits an important factor in computer-supported community, using the social presence perspective to analyze how media features and personal factors influence user behavior of virtual community. A survey was conducted on Gamebase which covers four types of virtual communities. Empirical data were gathered using online questionnaire with 254 respondents. The result showed that communication richness of social presence contributes to the virtual community loyalty, while medium richness does not influence virtual community loyalty. Results indicated that reciprocal interaction and interpersonal trust have positive effects on medium richness, whereas social interaction and interpersonal connection have positive effects on communication richness.



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How to Cite

Implication of Social Presence on Loyalty in Virtual Community. (2014). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 2(1).

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