Utilization of Liquid Smoke from Cocoa pod husk (Theobroma cocoa L) for Germination of Red Seed (Capsicum annum L)


  • Sri Harti Research Center for Appropriate Technology - Indonesian Institute of Sciences
  • Ashri Indriati Research Center for Appropriate Technology - Indonesian Institute of Sciences
  • Savitri Dyah Research Center for Policy and Management of Science, Technology and Innovation-Indonesian Institute of Sciences




Cocoa pod husk, germination seed, liquid smoke, red chilli seeds


Research has been carried out on the use of cocoa pod husks for making liquid smoke. Liquid smoke is the result of condensation from direct or indirect combustion vapors from materials that contain lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose and other carbon compounds. This research was conducted to determine the effect of liquid smoke from cocoa pod husk on the germination of red chilli seeds (Capsicum annuum L). The first stage of this research is the manufacture of liquid smoke from the cocoa pod husk using pyrolyzer. The resulting liquid smoke is subjected to chemical and physical quality testing, and is applied as a liquid fertilizer for red chilli seeds (Capsicum annuum L). The test results of making liquid smoke from the cocoa pod husk showed that the yield of liquid smoke produced was 19%. The results of the analysis of the chemical quality of liquid smoke in the third grade by using GCMS detected 30 chemical components, the main component as a liquid smoke characteristic is acetic acid, phenol, carbamic acid compounds. The results of the physical quality analysis of liquid smoke show a very strong smell, reddish brown, and black sediment in the form of tar. The results of the testing of liquid smoke on the germination of red chilli seeds showed that the concentration of liquid smoke (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, 3%, 3.5%, 4% , 4.5% and 5%) have a very significant effect on the maximum growth potential and germination of red chili seeds (Capsicum annum L).


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How to Cite

Utilization of Liquid Smoke from Cocoa pod husk (Theobroma cocoa L) for Germination of Red Seed (Capsicum annum L). (2020). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.24203/ajas.v8i1.6045

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