Approaches, Skills and Styles of Leadership Required in Educational Organizations





Leadership, Style, Impact, autocratic, skills, approaches, organization


Leadership entails active choices among alternatives, and the development of subordinates and mobilizing them to get the job done. A good leader is one who is capable of persuading others to move enthusiastically towards the achievement of goals. What is normally expected from employees is that they work with total zeal and determination but this is not always the case. Without good leadership style, the performance level of subordinates will be poor, which also lead to the organizational low performance and productivity. The objective of this paper therefore, is to examine the various leadership styles, approaches, skill and impact of leadership style in the organization. In carrying out this research, the secondary sources of information and data were utilized. Data were elicited from various text books, journals, news papers etc. It was discovered that participative style of leadership is more embracing as it is capable of influencing subordinates towards higher performance and that acquisition of leadership skills is very important far any leader to lead well in organization. It is recommended amongst others, that there should be cordial relationship between leaders and subordinates. It also added that merit award should be established in organizations, so as to spur subordinates to put in their best.


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How to Cite

Approaches, Skills and Styles of Leadership Required in Educational Organizations. (2019). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 1(5).

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