Artificial Neural Networks Applied to the Monitoring of Cost and Durations in Juvenile Reformatories


  • Víctor Daniel Gil Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Isabel Cristina Puerta Lopera
  • Lina María Montoya Suárez
  • Juan Diego Betancur Arias
  • Jorge Mauricio Sepúlveda Castaño
  • Paula Andrea Montoya Zulúaga


Adolescent Lawbreakers, Crime, Drugs, Neural Networks, Prevention Policies.


The artificial neural networks (ANN) are a branch of artificial intelligence and can be defined as structural models of nonlinear regression that allow to emulate the functioning of the human brain. This paper presents an ANN (multilayer perceptron) trained with the retro propagation technique, in order to identify the costs and stays durations of adolescent lawbreakers of the Specialized Attention Center (SAC) "El Redentor" in Bogotá, Colombia. According to the results, the types of diseases, complications or psychological disorders that present adolescents at the time of your income is the main factor that allows you to determine the time and rehabilitation costs.

Author Biography

  • Víctor Daniel Gil, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

    Víctor Daniel Gil Vera

    Teacher and Researcher

    Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



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How to Cite

Artificial Neural Networks Applied to the Monitoring of Cost and Durations in Juvenile Reformatories. (2018). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 6(2).

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