Discretion Government Officials in Implementing Government


  • Salmon E. M. Nirahua Faculty of Law, University of Pattimura Jln. Ir. M. Putuhena, Poka - Ambon


authority, discretion, government


Government officials in the exercise of discretion on laws and regulations, and in order to meet the demands of public service for the achievement of the people's welfare, then the proper government officials authorized discretion in the Organization of the Government. This research is useful for organizing Government accordingly with the nature, the purpose of the granting of discretion as well as the General principles of good governance. Type of normative legal research used in this research is normative law is also called doctrinal research. Doctrinal Research: Research which provides a systematic exposition of the rules governing a particular legal category, analyses the relationship between rules, explain areas of difficulty and perhaps, predicts future development.  Normative legal research conducted to assess the legal concepts related to the discretion of government officials who do.  The target in this research related to: a. The nature and purpose of the authority of the discretion government; and, b. criteria for the use of government discretion.


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How to Cite

Nirahua, S. E. M. (2017). Discretion Government Officials in Implementing Government. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(3). Retrieved from https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/4582


