Participatory Mapping Implementation in Capacity Building of Urban Fire Risk


  • Dian Rahmawati
  • Adjie Pamungkas
  • Kesumaning Dyah Larasati
  • Gusti Aditya Rahadian
  • Abdiel Hardwin Dito


Ampel, capacity building, urban fire, community, participatory mapping


Ampel is a socio-cultural strategic area of Surabaya with its dense population characteristic. Therefore, it is also has a high urban fire risk. Risk is contrary toward community capacity in disaster term, so urban fire risk level can be decreased by increasing the community capacity. Capacity building requires synergistic cooperation of community, so that participatory mapping is the right approach because it involves the community to solve the problem themselves actively. The goal of this article is to describe the increasing of community capacity who lived in the high level fire risk area with its case study in Ampel area, Surabaya. The analytical process is using questionnaire and focus group discussion with participatory mapping method. The result shows the increase of community capacity by identifying indicators, there are understanding, awareness, and preparedness. Understanding indicator is assessed by calculating questionnaire with result of increasing understanding score from 60 to 85 between the period three months knowledge transfer process. Awareness and preparedness were assessed through an observation of community behavior. Awareness indicator emerges from community participation in participatory mapping activity. Preparedness generates urban fire mitigation strategies and community preparedness.


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How to Cite

Participatory Mapping Implementation in Capacity Building of Urban Fire Risk. (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(5).

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