Meristem Culture of Aloe vera Linn. and its Acclimatization


  • T. S. Mariani School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
  • A. S. Siregar


shoot meristem, Aloe vera Linn., acclimatization


Aloe vera Linn. is an ornamental plant that have many advantages, namely anti diabetic, cure malnutrition, anti constipation. Therefore, it is important to propagate it by tissue culture method. In this study, shoot meristem was used as an explants. After shoots developing from the meristem, they were subcultured  onto rooting media. Then the plantlets were acclimatized.


Author Biography

  • T. S. Mariani, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


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How to Cite

Meristem Culture of Aloe vera Linn. and its Acclimatization. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(2).

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