Occurrence of Brucella and Mycobacteria Species in Raw and Fermented Camel Milk along the Value Chain


  • Linnet W. Mwangi
  • Joseph W. Matofari
  • Patrick S. Muliro epartment of Dairy and Food Science and Technology, Egerton University, P.O., Box 536, Njoro
  • Bockline O. Bebe


Brucella, Mycobacteria tuberculosis complex, camel milk, suusa


The study sought to determine the presence of Brucella and Mycobacteria species in raw and fermented camel milk (suusa) along the value chain in Kenya. Fresh milk, fermented milk and blood samples from camels were collected at production, bulking (Isiolo) and at market centres (Nairobi, Eastleigh). Serological tests were used for screening and confirmation of Brucella species while molecular techniques using Line Probe Assay was used to analyse for presence of Mycobacteria species of major clinical relevance. At production, incidence of Brucella species was 17% using confirmatory Antigen Rapid Brucella Antibody Test (ARBAT). Line probe assay identifiedatypical and typical Mycobacteria species which includedM. avium, M. kansasii, M. intracellulare, M. malmoense and Mycobacteria tuberculosis complex (MTBC). Fresh camel milk at production had higher incidence of Mycobacteria species than fermented milk (suusa) made from it. Mycobacteria tuberculosis complex (MTBC) an important human strain associated with infection of tuberculosis in humans was identified in raw and fermented camel milk. Occurrence of Brucella species and Mycobacteria tuberculosis complex in camel milk greatly poses a public health concern to consumers as well as in the commercialization of indigenously produced fermented camel milk product, suusa, in Kenya.


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How to Cite

Occurrence of Brucella and Mycobacteria Species in Raw and Fermented Camel Milk along the Value Chain. (2016). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 4(4). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAFS/article/view/2668

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