Breast feeding practices among kashmiri population


  • Yasmeen Majid Khan higher eucation
  • Asmat Khan


Breastfeeding, Exclusive breastfeeding, Partial breast feeding, Commercial Milk (CM).


The study assessed the breast feeding practices of mothers in three distinct regions of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. 1293 mothers with children aged 0-2 years were selected randomly. Sampling was done with probability proportion to size (PPS). In this way 680 mothers from Jammu, 512 from Kashmir and 101 from Ladakh were selected. Practices regarding breastfeeding were assessed using pre-tested questionnaires. Results indicated highly significant inter-regional difference in breast feeding practices. Exclusive breast feeding rates at 0-3 months were 56.0%, 52.6% and 91.2% in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. While at 0-6 months EBR were as 52.0%, 52.1% and only 15.8%. Exclusive breastfeeding got hampered in Jammu and Kashmir regions due to introduction of top milk while in Ladakh children were weaned quite early. The study shows that erratic feeding practices have made deep inroads into the psyche of the population. Despite the legislation of IMS act the commercial sector continues to find ways and means to market their products that undermine breastfeeding in all the three regions.




Author Biography

  • Yasmeen Majid Khan, higher eucation

    Dr. Yasmeen khan

    Senior Assistant Professor

    Govt. Degree College for women M.A. Road.

    Permanent address:  Mannat, House No.21 Parry Pora, Baghat Barzulla Srinagar, Kashmir, India 190005.



    Ph: 0194-2430468

    Mobile: 9419446749

    Educational Qualifications

    PhD Foods and Nutrition    University of Kashmir  2008

    First class in M.Sc Home Science    University of Kashmir 1989

    First class in B.Sc Home Science  University of Kashmir 1986

    Area of Specialization Foods and nutrition

    Present Academic Engagements

    Teaching Areas

    Foods and nutrition

    Human development

    Early childhood care and education

    Counseling and family therapy


    Professional Experience

    Department of Home Science university of Kashmir   (1991 -1999).

    Govt Degree College for Women M.A Road. (1999-2003).

    Govt Degree College for Women Anantnag. (2003-2008).

    Teaching counselor  IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National open university (2000-till date)

    Visiting faculty Deptt of Distance Education university of Kashmir   (2004-till date).

    Visiting faculty Deptt of Adult and Continuing Extension education Deptt of university of Kashmir   (2004-till date).

    Visiting faculty for Behavioral Sciences IMPA.(2009)

    Teaching experience (at P.G level) for 8 and a half years

    Teaching experience (at U.G level) for 12 years.

    Counseller IGNOU for Masters Course in counseling and family Therapy.

    Counseller IGNOU for Masters Course in Dietetics and Institutional management.

    Guided various Research projects at P.G level.

    Guided M.Phil Thesis on Various Topics

    Academic Responsibilities Handled

    Member, Board of Studies, Department of home  science(M.Sc food and nutrition),

    Member, Board of Studies, Department of home science (bsc food and nutrition),

    Journal article reviewer journal of medical sciences SKIMS SRINAGAR

    resource person for refresher course UGC academic staff college university of Kashmir


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How to Cite

Breast feeding practices among kashmiri population. (2013). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 1(1).

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