Communicative Interaction for the Construction of the Wasteland in Postconflict´s Colombia


  • Henry Esaú Tibatá Barreto
  • Doris Lilia Torres Cruz


Language, TAC, Wasteland, ACD, LEEN, Rabanal


The objective of this article is to present the partial results found in the analysis of the narratives, made by the actors of the Rabanal wasteland, based on the communicative interaction, from the Theory of communicative action proposed by Habermas, Jüngen(Habermas, 1981 ). In this sense, this research assumed that the TAC is the interaction that actors perform for social construction, based on language. Likewise, in the methodological process three stages were developed: descriptive, analytical and interpretative; considering the postulates raised by the critical analysis of discourse from the critical-social perspective proposed by Neyla Pardo. It stands out in this research that the discourse that is built around the Rabanal wasteland is polysemic and ambiguous and does not favor consensus.


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How to Cite

Communicative Interaction for the Construction of the Wasteland in Postconflict´s Colombia. (2018). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 6(2).

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