Child–Parent Conflict and its Impact on Adolescents Self-Development




parent, child, conflict, self development


This manuscript examines the conflict between child and parent that affect the adolescent's self development in the Malay people in Malaysia. The article discusses types of conflict, the impact of the conflict on children and the challenges that most face both the children and parents. The discussion included types of conflict,  impact of conflict and conflict resolution between parents and child. Conflict resolution has been claimed to equip young people with the opportunity to adapt to the development of learning negotiation skills. Direct evidence that improved parent-child relationships can counteract some harmful  effects of parent conflict is available and parent-child relationships can be improved in high conflict in family.  The conclusion sketches innovative strategy as a way forward that aims to address the challenges that face both the child and the parent. And the need for urgent affirmative action to overcome these challenges that might improve parent–child relationships and counteract some harmful effects of parent’s conflict with their child.



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How to Cite

Child–Parent Conflict and its Impact on Adolescents Self-Development. (2013). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 1(5).

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