Gender based violence in Akungba-Akoko of South-Western Nigeria: Are Men Victimized


  • Emmanuel Abiodun Fayankinnu


verbal violence, sexual violence, social well-being, health status


The main thrust of this paper is to investigate if males who are in intimate relationships experience domestic violence by women and the likely implication(s) on their social well-being. The study relies on qualitative and quantitative data collected through focus group discussions and questionnaire respectively. The systematic random sampling technique was used to select 146 males and 112 females who are in intimate relationships. Qualitative data collected was sorted, transcribed, and reported verbatim while quantitative data were presented in simple frequencies and percentage distributions. Findings revealed that the male respondents most experience verbal violence (93.1%), sexual violence (86.9%), and physical violence (66.4%) from their female their female partners. The respondents also reported that their experiences of domestic violence from their partner le to reduced psychological health, low social well being, and loss of social esteem. As a coping means, the mail respondents engaged in extra marital affairs. The paper concludes with some policy options.


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How to Cite

Gender based violence in Akungba-Akoko of South-Western Nigeria: Are Men Victimized. (2016). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 4(1).

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