Neighbourhood Open space As Cultural Heritage Value in Multi-ethnic Community of South-West Nigeria


  • Oluwagbemiga Paul Agboola Universiti technologi malaysia
  • Mohd Hisyam Rasidi Universiti Technologi Malaysia
  • Ismail Said Universiti Technologi Malaysia


Neighbourhood Open space, Market square, Ethnic Tribes, Nigeria.


Neighbourhood open space such as market square (Oja), plays significant roles in the lives of the rural residents in every continent in which South-West region of Nigeria is not an exceptional. This study aimed at exploring the interpretations of this peculiar open space in the context of socio-cultural background of its occupants. The study is underpinned by “place meaning†and “symbolic cultural value†theories. The methodology adopted involved a quantitative approach, using survey questionnaires as instrument. The results revealed as significant difference in the ethnic residents’ perception associating with cultural heritage value.  This is an indication that both ethnics cherish their past history, events, and indigenous heritage which market square in their neighbourhood symbolises. This is a recommended tool for allied professionals in built environment in formulation of design decision.

Author Biographies

  • Oluwagbemiga Paul Agboola, Universiti technologi malaysia

    PhD candidate

    Department of landscape architecture


  • Mohd Hisyam Rasidi, Universiti Technologi Malaysia

    Senior Lecturer,

    Department of Landscape Architecture,

    Faculty of Built Environment

  • Ismail Said, Universiti Technologi Malaysia

    Associate Professor,

    School Of Post Graduate Studies


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How to Cite

Neighbourhood Open space As Cultural Heritage Value in Multi-ethnic Community of South-West Nigeria. (2015). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 3(1).

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