Influence of Organizational Core Competencies on Strategic Product Innovation in Manufacturing Operations


  • Romanus C. Iwuanyanwu Argosy University. Orange, California, USA
  • Kaveh Shamsa Argosy University. Orange, California, USA
  • Bhaskar Raj Sinha National University, San Diego, California, USA


Descriptive statistics, product to market, organizational learning, knowledge management, disruptive innovation, discontinuous innovation, innovation management, stage-gate process.


Since the popularity of core competencies in the 1990s, many organizations have been giving it a serious thought on how to strengthen the internal capabilities of the organization as a veritable asset for competition. The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of organizational core competencies on strategic production innovation in a manufacturing enterprise. Using the data acquired from the manufacturing segment of Transnational Corporation (Transcorp), Plc. in Lagos, Nigeria, Africa, this research, through surveys, examined the influence of organizational core competencies on strategic product innovation. The variables incorporated in this research were mainly perceptional in nature. The design was quantitative in which ninety survey questionnaires were administered to them. The study had two variables, organizational core competencies as the independent variable and strategic product innovation as the dependent variables. Regression analysis was used to determine the correlation between the two variables, independent and dependent. Cronbach’s alpha was also determined in each section of the questionnaires to test the internal reliability of the constructed questionnaires. This research concludes that core competencies and the emphasis on core competencies is essential for any organization that wants to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. It is an intangible asset of an organization.

Author Biography

  • Bhaskar Raj Sinha, National University, San Diego, California, USA


    Department of Computer Science, Information and Media Systems

    School of Engineering and Computing

    National University


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How to Cite

Influence of Organizational Core Competencies on Strategic Product Innovation in Manufacturing Operations. (2016). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 4(1).

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