Impact of Leadership Characteristics on Media Use in Nonprofit Organizations


  • Paul K. Fornelli California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, California
  • Douglas P. Roberts Argosy University Orange, California
  • Bhaskar Sinha National University


Advanced structural theory, internal stakeholders, NPO, organizational culture, NPO PRISM scale, SPSS, strategic planning, survey monkey, transformational leadership


Social networks have proven vital in building a large, global constituency and it is imperative that nonprofit organizations (NPO) become more aggressive in incorporating social media into their daily operations. However, nonprofit leadership often fails to take into account the existing usage characteristics of their own internal stakeholders regarding social media. The purpose of this research was to survey internal stakeholders at a large NPO located in Southern California to determine whether there is a statistically significant relationship between the stakeholders’ current social media capabilities and usage levels, and their overall perceptions of social media use within the nonprofit’s organizational leadership culture.  A quantitative descriptive methodology was used to survey 210 internal stakeholders to gauge participant responses to 37 survey items. Data were assessed using correlation statistics at the p < .05 threshold for statistical significance and analysis of variance testing.  This study revealed that the NPO’s internal stakeholders possess strong social media skill sets, and that these internal stakeholders can make more of a contribution to the NPO’s effective use of social media.  The data showed a statistically significant relationship between internal stakeholder social media capabilities and usage levels, and their perceptions of their NPO leadership’s own social media characteristics. Areas of recommendation for future study include determining the ideal metrics needed to track the growth of social media within this chapter of the NPO. 

Author Biographies

  • Paul K. Fornelli, California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, California

    California State University Dominguez Hills

    Carson, California, USA

  • Douglas P. Roberts, Argosy University Orange, California

    Argosy University, Orange, California, USA

  • Bhaskar Sinha, National University


    Department of Computer Science, Information and Media Systems

    School of Engineering and Computing

    National University


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How to Cite

Impact of Leadership Characteristics on Media Use in Nonprofit Organizations. (2016). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 4(5).

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