Creative Economy: Search for Universally Sustainable Development Possibilities in the Context of Lithuanian Creative and Cultural Industries


  • Aleksandras Vytautas Rutkauskas
  • Rasa LevickaitÄ— Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
  • Nijole Maknickiene


creative economy, creative and cultural industries, universal sustainability, stochastic optimization, expertise assessment


The present paper represents an attempt to systematise the emerging concept of universally sustainable development and expand the area for the application of the category. The authors of the present paper are proposing a qualitative measurement component of sustainability exploring the reliability of the possibility for change of the condition, process or system. Simultaneously to the analysis of conversion the authors, referring to the sustainable development solutions offered, seek to explore and to evaluate the capacities of Lithuanian creative and cultural industries to develop their dynamics and interaction, and thus strengthen the potential of the national creative and cultural industries, and at the same time of the entire national economy.  For the purpose of the present research paper the authors carried out an analysis of the capacities of creative and cultural industries to utilise investment and other development resources in view of the ongoing attempts to introduce in the national industry a number of currently specifically efficient instruments, such as strategic approach towards knowledge and social capital and intellectual property powers, regional development and value added creation, communicational universality, etc. The prospects of creative and cultural industries are treated as stochastic developments or processes, therefore the examination of such prospects required the utilisation of stochastically informative expertise and a reference to the necessity and the possibilities of stochastic optimisation.  The purpose of the present Article is to define the concept of the universal sustainable development, and analyse the values based on the emergence of the new sustainability paradigm through the cultural integration. The present article also presents a survey of the core of Lithuanian creative economy – creative and cultural industries, and offers to introduce a quality measure that would ensure a systemic character of measurement of reliability (guarantee) of possibilities.



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How to Cite

Creative Economy: Search for Universally Sustainable Development Possibilities in the Context of Lithuanian Creative and Cultural Industries. (2014). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 2(4).

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