The Role of Bantimurung Ecotourism for Community’s Livelihood in Maros, Province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia


  • Sitti Rahbiah Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI) Makassar
  • Darmawan Salman Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) Makassar
  • Yusran, Imam Mujahidin Fahmid Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) Makassar


Role of ecotourism, livelihood at community’s, type of work, contribution income


Forestry development has significantly contributed to the livelihoods of communities. The principle of sustainable forest management should be used in exploiting the potential of forest resources to be utilized for the welfare of the community. This research conducted in the Subdistrict Bantimurung, Maros from March to July 2014. The study aims to analyze the role of Bantimurung ecotourism on the level of community's livelihood in Maros. Collecting data using a survey methods by selecting respondents who move to make a living in and outside of the ecotourism area with the 35 persons.  Bantimurung ecotourism provides real employment for women with the number of workers are 74.29%. The average income from the ecotourism area for six months is 11,746,444 IDR or 1,957,740 IDR per month. The highest income obtained from selling souvenirs are 3,649,333 IDR per month. The type of souvenirs sold are glass butterfly frames with various types and sizes, keychains, broaches, bracelets, necklaces, T-shirts, and other. The average income of the respondents from outside the ecotourism area of 7,204,125 IDR or average 1,200,687 IDR/month. The highest income derived from trade jobs that 2,050,000 IDR/month. Types of merchandise sold are agricultural products such as rice, vegetables, fruits and other. Total household income per six months  is 18,950,569 IDR  or 3,158,428 IDR/month. The level of contribution to the income from the ecotourism area is ​​61.98% of the total income. Thus the existence of Bantimurung ecotourism have a positive role on the level of livelihood to the community.


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How to Cite

The Role of Bantimurung Ecotourism for Community’s Livelihood in Maros, Province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(2).

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