Effects of Foliar NPK Spraying with Micronutrients on Yield and Quality of Cowpea Plants


  • Mona E. El-Azab Mona E. El-Azab Soil and water Dept. National Research Center, Dokki


Cowpea, Foliar fertilization, NPK, Micronutrients.


The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of foliar application of NPK compound with Fe, Zn and Mn at different doses on cowpea plants. field experiment was conducted at Al Sharkia Governorate, Egypt in a private farm through a project of soil and water use Dept. of the National Research Center. This experiment design with three replicates. Cowpea seeds were sown on the 15th of June, 2014. In addition, soluble fertilizers contain (19 - 19 - 19) from N, P and K and 500 ppm Fe, 300 ppm Zn and 300 ppm Mn were applied. Four treatments of fertilization were tested: control (no fertilization),(50%),(100%)and (125%).The NPK fertilizers were sprayed every 15 days .The results are as follows: 1.Foliar fertilization NPK with Fe, Zn and Mn reflected increases in vegetative growth, yield and its components and nutrient concentration of cowpea plant compared with control. 2. Higher values of vegetative growth, yield components and nutrient concentrations by cowpea plant were obtained by foliar NPK application with Fe, Zn and Mn at 125%. The study results explain that foliar fertilization NPK with micronutrient may have a possibility role for increasing cowpea yield.


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How to Cite

Effects of Foliar NPK Spraying with Micronutrients on Yield and Quality of Cowpea Plants. (2016). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(2). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/3595

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