Effect of Soursop Leaf Extract Tablets (Annona muricata L.) against Cancer Cells


  • Yetri Elisya Polytechnic of Health Jakarta II
  • Yusmaniar, Gloria Murtini


leaf soursop, Annona muricata L., cancer cells


Among the many plants that grow in Indonesia, which can be used for alternative medicine, one of them is the soursop (Annona muricata L.). Acetogenin derived from the soursop plants touted able to overcome the 12 cancer cells. In America, a sample from Indonesia tested on of lung cancer cells, breast, colon, and a variety of other cancer cells.

Making oral dosage form in tablet soursop leaf extract can produce a more practical preparation when compared to the stew. Fraction of ethyl acetate soursop leaf tablet was tested in vitro for anticancer activity against several cancer cell-derived cell (cell line) such as HeLa cells (cervical), MCF 7 (breast) and A549 (lung).

The results obtained from tablet formula still does not requirements of disintegration time. Therefore, it is necessary to re-formulation with the addition of the disintegration to a maximum of 20%. Cytotoxic test results of soursop leaf extract tablets (Annona muricata L.) against cervical cancer cells (HeLa), breast cells (MCF-7) and lung cells (A549) has been shown to kill cancer cells specifically. From the test results of the research, soursop leaf extract (Annona muricata L.) IC50 above 30 ppm, is not classified as active as anticancer. However, the IC50 value against HeLa cell extracts (33.98 ppm) and the breast cells (32.90 ppm) approaching the threshold for active categorized.

Keywords: anticancer, pharmaceuticals, cytotoxic


Author Biography

  • Yetri Elisya, Polytechnic of Health Jakarta II
    Department of Pharmacy


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How to Cite

Effect of Soursop Leaf Extract Tablets (Annona muricata L.) against Cancer Cells. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(2). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/2410

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