Performance of Cowpea and Soybean in Nigerias’ Sudan Savanna as Influenced by Pendimethalin Application Rates




Field experiment was conducted at Gombe during the 2012 wet cropping season situated at Lat.110 30II N and Long.100 20II E at an altitude of 240m above sea level to evaluate the performance of two leguminous crops (cowpea & soybean)under different rates of Pendimethalin in the sudan savannah zone of Nigeria. The experiment consisted of six different rates of Pendimethalin (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0kg a.i.ha-1) + weed free and weedy check (controls) making a total of eight possible treatments which was laid in a split plot design and replicated three times. Results indicates that high rate of Pendimethalin resulted in an increase to days to 50% emergence, injury score (phytotoxicity), decrease in plant height as well as number of leaves of respective crops (P=0.05). However, the same higher rates resulted in maximum decrease in weed cover score, weed dry weight, number of pod plant-1 and eventually the final yield of both cowpea and soybean respectively.

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How to Cite

Performance of Cowpea and Soybean in Nigerias’ Sudan Savanna as Influenced by Pendimethalin Application Rates. (2014). Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 2(6).