Personal Branding and Behavioural Changes among the Millennial Generations in the Social Media


  • Ervan Ismail Faculty of Communication Science, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Risna Destiana Faculty of Communication Science, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Vania Utamie Subiakto Faculty of Communication Science, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia



personal branding, millennial generation, behavioural changes, social media


The use of the social media Instagram in Indonesia has resulted in significant impact toward the behavioural changes among the millennial generations of the nation. With regards to the statement, branding becomes a general activity that has been performed in the domain of marketing especially in today’s context. Branding might be performed in order to discern from one product of another so that the peculiar characteristics of the given product might appear to the surface. However, due to the development of the branding context, branding has penetrated many lines and this penetration also impacts the development of an individual in changing his or her behaviours within the social media alone. Therefore, throughout the study, there will be an analysis toward the formation of the celebgram’s personal branding that might alter the behaviours of the millennial generations whose identities have been prominent in the social media such as Instagram and Youtube. During the conduct of the study, the celebgram that had been analysed was Awkarin. Awkarin is a female adolescent who has suddenly become famous due to the various contents in her Instagram Account.  In response to this finding, the study has been compelled to identify the personal branding of Awkawin in the Digital Public Relation of Instagram and to identify the existence of followers’ imitation toward the celebgram Awakarin in the social media Instagram. The reason is that such imitation will be peculiar existence for a celebgram who has suddenly become famous in the social media. The presence of the behavioural changes that Awkarin has pursued become a peculiar business or existence upon her individual development over the social media.


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How to Cite

Personal Branding and Behavioural Changes among the Millennial Generations in the Social Media. (2020). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 8(6).

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