The Dynamic of the Role of Volunteer as a Political Communicator: A Descriptive Study on Volunteer’s Agus-Sylvi at the Election of the Jakarta Governor 2017


  • Enjang Pera Irawan Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Mercu Buana Universitas Mercu Buana, Jl. Meruya Selatan No.01 Jakarta Barat



Volunteer, Political Communication, Governor Election, Jakarta


The dynamic of democracy has been widely open in Indonesia after the reformation was launched in 1998. Nowadays, Indonesian are already politically literate and become political subjects. Based on these conditions, the researcher is interested in conducting research related to the dynamics of the role of volunteer as political communicator in the election of Jakarta governor in 2017. The purpose of this research is to know how the communication dynamics of the volunteers in raising public support in the governor election of Jakarta 2017 using descriptive qualitative as the research method. The results show that the political communication strategy applied by the volunteers of Agus-Sylvi is to prioritize approaches such as: a) Creating togetherness b) making consensus with the community, and c) highlighting the character of SBY as part of strengthening the character of Agus. The message of political communication Agus-Sylvi volunteers are  vision mission and work programs that are delivered and packaged in a rational and emotional message. Political messages are delivered by volunteers through various meetings and dialogues, community service, social service, and casual conversation. Communication media used include conventional communication media such as banners, calendars, t-shirts. Then, digital media such as WhatsApp, website and application MataHati. Volunteer communication patterns used are internal coordination activity of volunteer and candidate (implementing vertical and horizontal communication pattern), and activity of message transfer from volunteer to society (implementing formal and informal communication pattern).


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How to Cite

The Dynamic of the Role of Volunteer as a Political Communicator: A Descriptive Study on Volunteer’s Agus-Sylvi at the Election of the Jakarta Governor 2017. (2018). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 6(3).

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