Communication Strategy of National Movement Program of Vulnerable Worker Protection through the Distribution of CSR Donations by Social Security Administration Body (BPJS) for Employment


  • Enjang Pera Irawan Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Mercu BuanaUniversitas Mercu Buana, Jl. Meruya Selatan No.01 Jakarta Barat
  • Merdy Ervina Rumintjap Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Social and Political Science College of Widuri, Indonesia



The title of this is study is the identification of the management strategy of the national movement program concerned about the protection of vulnerable worker or called GN LINGKARAN through the distribution of CSR donations by BPJS for Employment. The concepts and theories that supported this research were the concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) public relations (PR), and public relations communication. This study used qualitative method with single case study design. The results showed that technically, GN LINGKARAN CSR program strategies were 1) adjusting all the CSR initiatives with BPJAMSOSTEK governance, 2) collaborating with related institutions such as Ministries / Institutions, Local Governments, Entrepreneurs, Trade Unions, Donor institution, Banks, individuals and other relevant institutions / organizations, 3) optimizing the function of the mass media to publish the GN LINGKARAN CSR program. The types of media used include printed media and electronic media (television, radio and social media), 4) Technically GN LINGKARAN CSR program always organizes programs with efficient principles, namely through digital facilities and infrastructure. This implication facilitated the interaction between BPJAMSOSTEK and donors and also beneficiaries, namely vulnerable workers.


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How to Cite

Communication Strategy of National Movement Program of Vulnerable Worker Protection through the Distribution of CSR Donations by Social Security Administration Body (BPJS) for Employment. (2020). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 8(6).