The Territorial Intelligence Process: A Humanistic Path and a Realistic Mediation for Development of Hybrid Territories


  • Yann Bertacchini Engineering Sciences & Sustainable Development Department, College for Teaching & Education, ESPE, Academy of Nice, I3M lab- EA 3820, University of Toulon. Avenue de l'Université, 83957 La Garde


Hybrid territory, Local stakeholders, Local government, Territorial project, STICA (Socio-Technical Information and Communication Arrangements).


Aims: This article aims providing structural, and deeper, answers to the words used in titled, how “The Territorial intelligence process can be considered as a humanistic path and a realistic mediation for development of “hybrid territories†because in first part, we have been working, researching, for more fifteen years in territorial intelligence field and secondly, because we have seen from the TICs development that territorial organizations in 21st Century are becoming hybrid, a mix made of physical  (geographical) territory and digital territory and call for appropriate path to think about their future.

Study design, Methodology & Place and Duration of Study: We illustrate our arguments by drawing on five situations of PhD research conducted in the interval from 2004 to 2014 throughout E.U in general and in France, in particularly. New questions will Of course flow over following this argument and will be subject to later discussion. Reflecting the past six years (2008-2014) we should have to say, in addition on continuing direction of PhDs thesis about Territorial Intelligence, were fueled from the exercise of two local mandates, as Deputy Mayor, and for the second, as Intercommunity Advisor. With hindsight these six years, I have much appreciated the privilege, demanding to be able to discuss, compare, share with a background of a capital theorized on Territorial Intelligence and doing it with a practice in action, because in our sense, action, decision, project and system are the major characteristics and components of a Territorial Intelligence process to manage. Certainly, and because we need putting a fair distance between this recent (and finished yet) experience, and the facts we are preparing to relate through our academic practice.

Results & Conclusion: All aspects encountered during these years, for reasons we guess, and then because the programs involved are not yet all finalized, need extracting additional points for consideration in the future. In conclusion, we propose structural elements for a response and perhaps for a future program of development of hybrid territories.


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How to Cite

The Territorial Intelligence Process: A Humanistic Path and a Realistic Mediation for Development of Hybrid Territories. (2016). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 4(5).

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