The Influence of Career Commitment on Motivation to Learn and Motivation to Transfer


  • Madagamage Geetha Tharanganie Senior Lecturer University of Sri Jayewardenepura


career commitment, motivation to learn, motivation to transfer


The training transfer literature provides a variety of recommendations to enhance training transfer. However, the influence of career commitment on motivation to learn and motivation to transfer has not yet been adequately studied. This study attempted to identify the influence of career commitment on motivation to learn and motivation to transfer as well as the relationship between motivation to learn and motivation to transfer, using a sample of 180 managers in MBA programs. Data was collected using a self administered questionnaire validated through a pilot study. The results indicate that career commitment is neither a strong predictor of motivation to learn nor a predictor of motivation to transfer. However, motivation to learn is a significant predictor of motivation to transfer. The implications of the results are discussed, and limitations of the study are also noted, along with the suggestions.


Author Biography

  • Madagamage Geetha Tharanganie, Senior Lecturer University of Sri Jayewardenepura

    Senior Lecturer

    Department of Human Resource Management

    University of Sri Jayewardenepura


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How to Cite

The Influence of Career Commitment on Motivation to Learn and Motivation to Transfer. (2013). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 1(3).

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