A Study on Luxury and Non Luxury Product Purchasing Intention by Sexual and Non Sexual Appeal Marketing Strategies


  • Dana Zhurgenova Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU), Malaysia
  • Benjamin Yin Fah Chan Assoc Prof, Faculty of Business and Management, APU, Malaysia Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of the Economics of Ageing (CSEA), APU, Malaysia
  • Wong huey Wern Lecturer, Faculty of Business and Management Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU), Malaysia


sexual appeal, purchase intention


The purpose of the study was to investigate undergraduates’ responses towards sexual and non-sexual appeal marketing strategies in advertising. Earlier researchers suggest that responses differ based on respondent’s gender, age group, and ethnicity. Data for this study was collected through self-administered questionnaire, and were distributed through a convenient non-probability random sampling method. A total of 120 students were interviewed in order to understand their reactions that may affect customers’ purchasing intention. The questionnaire consists of three sections in order to undergraduates’ background, the ability to recall the brand, and their attitude towards luxury and non-luxury products’ advertisements. The final result revealed that there is only one significant difference by gender in non-luxury product’s advertisement that does not feature any sexual element. Finding of the study are limited by the number of respondents, allotted time, and the area and location that the research had covered. This study suggests that marketers need to consider testing sexual appeal marketing strategy with members of a target audience if they plan to use advertisements with sexual content. It is also hoped that this review will provide a stepping stone for those who interested in this area, thus developing this topic further.

Author Biography

  • Benjamin Yin Fah Chan, Assoc Prof, Faculty of Business and Management, APU, Malaysia Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of the Economics of Ageing (CSEA), APU, Malaysia

    Faculty of Business and Management, APU, Malaysia



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How to Cite

A Study on Luxury and Non Luxury Product Purchasing Intention by Sexual and Non Sexual Appeal Marketing Strategies. (2014). Asian Journal of Business and Management, 2(5). https://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJBM/article/view/1692