The Relationship of House Environmental Sanitation with Infection of Muhamadiyah Elementry School Students in Deli Serdang District


  • Salbiah Khamaruddin Health Polytechnic Jakarta III
  • Lestari Rahmah Health Polytechnic Medan
  • Tri Prasetyorini Health Polytechnic Jakarta III



Home Environmental Sanitation, Soil Transmited Helminths, elementary school students


Background: The case of helminthiasis in elementary school children in Indonesia is still quite high at 28%. This worm disease is caused by the Soil Transmited Helminths (STH) group. This group of worms is transmitted by means of land. The environment contaminated by worm eggs increases the incidence of helminthiasis in children.


Objective: To analyze the relationship between home environmental sanitation and helminthiasis in elementary school students in Deli Serdang Regency.


Method: This study was analytical with cross-sectional data analysis. The population of this study were all Muhammadiyah 37 Tanjung Selamat Elementary School students with a sample of 58 people. The research data was obtained from questionnaires, observations, and faecal examination in the laboratory with the method of using a 1-2% eosin method.


Results and Discussion: Based on the results of the questionnaire and observation, it was found that 34.5% of children lived in a home environment that did not comply health requirements. Laboratory results showed that 15.5% of children were infected by the Soil Transmitted Helminths. The results of the statistical test showed a significant relationship between environmental sanitation and STH infection in elementary school students in Deli Serdang District with p-value = 0.003 (p-value <0.005).


Conclusions and suggestions: There is a relationship between environmental sanitation and helminthiasis in elementary school students in Deli Serdang Regency. It is recommended to the school to always provide understanding to children about the importance of maintaining cleanliness of the school environment and also reactivating the School Health Unit program and enforcing discipline and providing guidance for children who lack hygiene such as cutting long nails as a discipline to hygiene child.


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How to Cite

Khamaruddin, S., Rahmah, L., & Prasetyorini, T. (2019). The Relationship of House Environmental Sanitation with Infection of Muhamadiyah Elementry School Students in Deli Serdang District. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(6).