Effect of Education on Behavior About Head Lice on Students In East Jakarta


  • Salbiah Khamaruddin Health Polytechnic of Jakarta III
  • Warida Daulay Health Polytechnic of Jakarta III
  • Sri Sukamti Health Polytechnic of Jakarta III
  • Suparni Health Polytechnic of Medan




Pediculus capitis


Pediculosis Capitis is a skin and head hair infestation caused by Pediculus humanus var. capitis which belongs to the family Pediculidae. This parasite lives on the scalp, predilection mainly on the back of the head (occipital) and behind the ear (retroauricular). The eggs (nits) are attached to the base of the head hair shaft. Usually these parasites attack children and women with long hair. This parasite is an obligate parasite, meaning that it must suck human blood in order to maintain its life (Djuanda et al, 2013; Irianto, 2009). This study was to determine the effect of providing education on prevention and eradication of pediculosis capitis on changes in student behavior. The study was conducted at the Al Hamid Islamic boarding school in East Jakarta on 60 students infected with Pediculosis Capitis in March to August 2019. The type of research used was a quasi experiment with one group post-test and pre-test design to see whether or not the influence of education and treatment of behavior with the incidence of Pediculosis Capitis. Data analysis was performed by t-test which aims to analyze the differences in behavior before and after with a degree of significance (alpha) = 0.05. The results showed that there were differences in the average value of behavior (knowledge, attitudes and actions) of students before and after the intervention of 3.33. There was a significant difference between students' behavior (knowledge, attitudes and actions) before and after the intervention with a p value <0.05. It is recommended that routine checks (skrenning) of the presence of Pediculosis capitis occur in students living in the dormitory to prevent wider transmission.

Keywords: Pediculosis capitis, education, behavior

Author Biographies

  • Salbiah Khamaruddin, Health Polytechnic of Jakarta III

    Medical Laboratory Technology

  • Warida Daulay, Health Polytechnic of Jakarta III
    Medical Laboratory Technology
  • Sri Sukamti, Health Polytechnic of Jakarta III


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How to Cite

Effect of Education on Behavior About Head Lice on Students In East Jakarta. (2020). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.24203/ajas.v8i2.6101