Anatomical Variations of Maxillary Air Sinuses on Computed Tomography among Sudanese People


  • Salma Ali Akasha national ribat university-faculty of medicine-department of anatomy
  • Yasser Seddeg Abdulghani National Ribat University-Faculty of medicine- Anatomy department Khartoum-Sudan


sinuses, maxillary, sudanese, anatomy


Background: the maxillary sinus variations are common among populations. These variations may associate with inflammatory diseases like sinusitis or other diseases (allergic rhino-sinusitis and bronchial asthma).

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate maxillary sinus variations by using CT images in adult Sudanese population.

Methods: This was observational descriptive cross sectional study conducted in Khartoum state- Sudan from June to Dec 2014. The study was done in 30 volunteers. All participants underwent head CT scans and sagittal and coronal slices were obtained. Participants were healthy persons without history of head or face trauma or sinus operation history.

Results: Mucosal thickening was the most prevalent abnormality (66.7%), followed by antral septa (23.3%), obliterated sinus (16.6%) and mucosal polyp (3.3%). No significant differences were found between males and females regarding the maxillary sinus anatomical variations.

Conclusion: variations of maxillary sinus emphasize how important it is for the dentomaxillofacial radiologist, otolaryngologists, radiologist and anatomists to be aware about the anatomical variations of the maxillary sinuses.

Anatomical variations of maxillary air sinuses are common and may be a predisposing factor for sinus and upper respiratory tract diseases. Studies of these variations and abnormalities were done in many countries worldwide but no studies were done among Sudanese. This study represents a data base about maxillary sinus in Sudan. Further studies are needed including large sample number for more evaluation and analysis.


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How to Cite

Anatomical Variations of Maxillary Air Sinuses on Computed Tomography among Sudanese People. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(4).