Acoustic Trauma Associated With Howitzer 105 Artillery Weapon Gunner


  • Sigit Sasongko Medical Faculty of General Achmad Yani University


Acoustic trauma, Howitzer 105 artillery weapon, noise dose


The military is an environment with high risk of occupational deafness. Acoustic trauma is a sensorineural hearing disorder on frequency 2-6 kHz, caused by impulsive loud noise. This study aims to assess the occurrence of acoustic trauma on a Howitzer 105 gunner. Indonesian military currently doesn’t have hearing conservation program.

The study used prospective period method from 7-10 July 2014, which the subject is new recruit soldiers in Artillery Academy of Indonesian Army. Subjects were divided into 2 groups that, consist of exposed with 17 gunners and non-exposed group(stae the number of subjects). The identity of subjects, their medical history and symptoms after firing were recorded on questionnaire. Sound intensity and frequency of sound were measured using Integrating Sound Level Meter and Real Time Analyzer. Hearing function was recorded using pure tone audiometry. The data significance (p<0.05) was tested by Fisher Exact test.

The result of the study shown that the sound pressure level of Howitzer 105 artillery weapon sum of 148.6 dBA with frequency that decays to 60 dBA for 2 seconds, while the impulsive sound intensity received at a distance of one meter, crossed the limit of the 1998th National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) criteria. The incidence of acoustic trauma on the gunner without ear protection is significant at 23.5% (p<0.05), with symptoms of tinnitus and temporary hearing disorders (1 day) is only 6% and was not significant (p>0.05).


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How to Cite

Acoustic Trauma Associated With Howitzer 105 Artillery Weapon Gunner. (2015). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(2).

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