The Effects of Rap Music on Namibian Teenagers


  • Fred J. Mwilima Lecturer: Media Studies Department of Information and Communication Studies, University of Namibia
  • Jacqueline Odada


Rap music is often identified with violent and misogynist lyric portrayals. It is hypothesized that rap music fans would focus on traits and behaviours that are self-destructive, and threats to others. This study investigated whether rap music is harmful to teenagers in Namibia. The results support this hypothesis but also reveal that the lyrics of rap music have an effect on mood, suicidal ideation, sexual misconduct and aggression of adolescents. The survey method was employed in this study coupled with group discussions and content analysis of rap music's violent and misogynist lyrics. This study was conducted in view of the public concern about the negative influences of popular music on teenagers in Namibia.



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How to Cite

The Effects of Rap Music on Namibian Teenagers. (2014). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 2(1).