The Role of Teachers’ Motivation on the Language Learner’s Strategies


  • Ceylani Akay International Burch University
  • Akbarov Azamat Anvarovich


Motivation in the second language learning has been widely studied from different perspectives recently. Mostly the  student’s motiva tion was the main concern to study and an issue of improvement.. In this article I will have a look from the teachers’ motivation perspective and how this  effects the students learning. Teachers’ motivation plays a very important role in language teaching and  learning process, as a result of teachers’ positive approach, the learners can develop positive strategies for language learning.

The more we motivate the language teachers to improve themselves and apply new methods and techniques in their classes  the better our students learn the target language and develop good language learning strategies.



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How to Cite

The Role of Teachers’ Motivation on the Language Learner’s Strategies. (2015). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 3(1).