Islam and the Deconstruction of Metanarratives: Epistemological and Sociological Implications


  • Emad Bazzi Khalifa University for Science, Technology and Research


The position and role of reason in the Quran play a vital role in understanding Islam's relationship with both modernity and postmodernism. This is because, in many accounts, modernity involves the diffusion of rationalism in all spheres of life and the main concern of postmodernism is oriented towards the deconstruction of the assumptions and promises of instrumental reason. It can be argued that the Quran does not accord reason, in the convetional, modernist sense a foundational or sovereign status. This has serious consequences for Islam's epistemological relationship with postmodernism as well as the postmodern condition as it is manifested in the sociopolitical field. Of major concern in this regard is whether or not Islam constitutes a metanarrative in the postmodernist sense and how this impacts upon Islam's relationship with both modernity and postmodernism

Author Biography

  • Emad Bazzi, Khalifa University for Science, Technology and Research
    Assistant Professor. Islamic Studies




How to Cite

Islam and the Deconstruction of Metanarratives: Epistemological and Sociological Implications. (2015). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 3(1).