Design and Implementation of Piezoelectric Transducer Driving System with MPPT and ZVS Features


  • Yu-Kai Chen Department of Aeronautical Engineering, National Formosa University Hu-Wei, Yunlin 632, Taiwan
  • Chau-Chung Song
  • Chih-Ying Chen


piezoelectric、resonant tank、MPPT


This paper presents piezoelectric transducer driving system with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and zero voltage switching (ZVS) features. The proposed driver is applied to ultrasonic cleaner and to achieve a good cleaning performance by varying the resonance frequency of piezoelectric transducer. The resonant frequency of piezoelectric transducer depends on the operating time, temperature and load. The piezoelectric driving system which includes half-bridge inverter, series resonant parallel loaded (SRPL) and an EM78P458 micro-controller. The driving system is done at a resonant frequency at which the electric impedance is minimum and the phase shift between the voltage and current of the transducer is nearly zero. For switching frequency fs > resonance frequency fr, the phase shift >0, the resonant tank represents an inductive load, thus the switches can be operated in ZVS. The measured results of the system are shown to verify the MPPT and ZVS features of the proposed system.


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How to Cite

Design and Implementation of Piezoelectric Transducer Driving System with MPPT and ZVS Features. (2014). Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(5).