Effect of Bridging Exercise Interventions on Pain Reduction In the Elderly with Knee Osteoarthritis


  • Dwi Agustina Health Polytechnic of Jakarta III
  • Ratu Karel Lina




Bridging Exercise, Knee Osteoarthritis, Elderly


Introduction: Elderly people will experience physical and psychological declines, there will also be several kinds of degenerative diseases, one of which is osteoarthritis (OA) in the knee. Elderly people who suffer from knee OA generally experience muscle weakness, pain, and limited knee motion. This study aimed to analyze the effect of bridging exercise on reducing pain in elderly with knee OA. Methode: The study design was quasi experiment which consisted of the treatment and the control group. The research respondents were 34 elderlies at Eastern Jakarta Village and selected by purposive sampling. The bridging exercise intervention was given for 4 weeks, 2 times a week with a duration of 30 minutes. Data analysis included univariate and bivariate analysis using independent sample t-test and paired sample t-test. Results: The knee pain in treatment group before intervention was 8,29 and became 6,29 after intervention, whereas in control group was 7,58 and 7,53 respectively. The average difference in knee pain changed between groups was -1,76 with a p-value of 0.009. Conclusion: Bridging exercise could reduce pain in knee OA of elderly.  The integrated development post could apply this exercise as additional exercise in their routine activity.

Author Biography

  • Dwi Agustina, Health Polytechnic of Jakarta III
    Dwi Agustina is assistant professor at the Health Polytechnic Jakarta III – Physiotherapy Department. She received a bachelor’s degree in public health from University of Indonesia and a master’s degree in community health and health management in developing country from University of Heidelberg. She is interested in health related with physical activity including exercise to improve health, nutrition and health behavior. Dwi Agustina can be contacted via email as follows dwiagustinarosadi@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Effect of Bridging Exercise Interventions on Pain Reduction In the Elderly with Knee Osteoarthritis. (2019). Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(5). https://doi.org/10.24203/ajas.v7i5.5964