The Significance of Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence in The Healthcare Sector: A Review
Artificial Intelligence, Digitalisation, Healthcare sector, Machine learning, Internet of thingsAbstract
Nowadays, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning are among the most popular and applied topics in many scientific and life fields that serve humanity. This science seeks to impose itself strongly on the various activities and academic circles and information science. Artificial intelligence techniques have proven their worth to be important in many fields, especially in the medical fields, business administration, military applications, communications, and many others. In short, artificial intelligence is from another world that will be of great importance in the future. In this article, the importance of digitisation and artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector will be addressed, what services they provide to this sector, and how they contribute to the service of healthcare workers and patient satisfaction. This article concluded that artificial intelligence and digital technologies are of great importance in the healthcare sector and can never be dispensed with.
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