Curvilinear Moderation of Perceived Co-Worker Support on Bullied Health Professionals: Timelag Study


  • Sarah Hamid Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan



workplace bullying, turnover intention, perceived coworker support, health professionals


Objectives.  The research highlights the role of co-worker’s support in bullied health professionals. Investigating the extend of support, firstly, how it helps the bullied professionals not to quit their jobs. Secondly, how the continued constant and increased support from co-workers drastically change it to higher turnover intention.

Material and Methods. Data was gathered from 300 health professionals working in different hospitals in two time-lags with the lapse of almost 6 weeks using convenience sampling technique.

Results. Data analysis revealed the strong positive connection between workplace bullying and turn over intention posing alarming challenge for health professionals and organizations as well. Further the research proved the strong impact of lower and higher levels of perceived co-worker support in manipulating the decision of bullied professionals to turnover.

Conclusion. Workplace bullying is on alarmingly rise affecting the health sector as well and it is the worst type of social stress being evident at workplaces causing serious medical errors and list goes on. This Research helps to understand the role of co-worker’s support on victims opening new avenues, adding new variable for future research on bulling culture.

Author Biography

  • Sarah Hamid, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Dr Sarah Hamid



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How to Cite

Curvilinear Moderation of Perceived Co-Worker Support on Bullied Health Professionals: Timelag Study. (2021). Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences, 9(2).

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