Characterization and Evaluation of Ivorian Food Consumed and their Influence on Regulatory Bodies: Case of Rats (Wistar)


  • T Dally Physiological unit of Envionment Department, Jean Lorougnon Guédé University. Daloa,
  • L. Tehoua
  • V. Atto
  • S. Kati-Coulibaly


macronutrient, minerals, dishes, Côte d'Ivoire, biometric, regulators bodies.


The concentrations of macronutrients and minerals Ivorian dishes were determined by standard analytical (AOAC methods. The result obtained are express in percentage fw for moisture and percentage dw, ash, proteins, lipids, crude fibers, carbohydrates and minerals. The moisture content ranges from 72.44-89.33 g/100g fw. Carbohydrates contents 57.55-63.11 g/100g dw. Lipids 9.76-18.14 g/100g dw. Proteins 13.43 -16.34 g/100g dw, fibers 5.31 - 7.47 g/100g dw. This study revealed that a high consumption in accordance with official recommendations of the FAO. Minerals, Iron were ranged from 3.66-13.83 mg/100g dw; calcium 5.34 - 13.70 g/100mg dw ,  zinc  0.04 t-0.06 g/100g dw.  All values of nutrient and minerals obtained through these foods were insufficient to help the functioning of the body. Other foods sources could help to address them. In biometric case, kidney weight of these animals is all lower than the control (0.69 g) with the exception of those fed with the same food that is RsG rats. End then do not cause functional abnormalities of these organs compared to those fed which are consumer at other area and control diet of rats. The foods could adequately contribute to dietary intake in most of recipes. The study carried out good physical impact through rats regulators bodies. Majority of dishes based on cereals, tubers, but poor in animal product can led to micronutrient because of the presence of antinutritional factor that reduce minerals bioavailability. In fact, these foods In conclude these foods good qualities through biochemical and physiological study.


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How to Cite

Characterization and Evaluation of Ivorian Food Consumed and their Influence on Regulatory Bodies: Case of Rats (Wistar). (2016). Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences, 4(4).

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