Best Marker to Asses Hirsutisim


  • Hanan A. Altaee Medical college /Babylon university/Iraq


Hirsutism, idiopathic hirsutisim, polycystic ovarian syndrome, Total testosterone, Anti mullerian hormone


Aim:  To correlate serum levels of Anti Mullerian Hormone and Total Testosterone with severity of hirsutism in females with either polycystic ovarian syndrome or idiopathic hirsutism. Design: retrospective observational study. Setting: private sector endocrine clinic. Patients: eighty- five hirsute patients. Intervention: female presented for hirsutism management were evaluated physically and biochemically. Main outcome:  Feriman and Gallawy Score for patients and serum levels of Total Testosterone and Anti Mullerian Hormone Rseults: Eighty- five hirsute women were evaluated for severity of their hirsutism by Ferming- Galawy score, serum Total Testosterone and Anti Mullerian Hormone. Mean age of patients was 27.48 ± 5.6   years.  Mean Body Mass Index of the patients were 30. 07±4.93 kg/m2.  Mean Total serum testosterone was 51.57±4.93ng/ml and mean serum Anti Mullerian Hormone was 6.72±29.34 ng/ml. The patients were divided according to their etiology of hirsutism into Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome group and Idiopathic Hirsutism  group. There were significant differences in body mass index, serum levels of Total Testosterone, Anti Mullerian Hormone   and   Feriman and Gallawy score between these two groups. Serum levels of  Total Testosterone have significant  positive correlation with severity of hirsutism in Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome group only, while Anti Mullerian Hormone have no correlation with   neither of the two groups .Conclusion: Serum level of  Total Testosterone can serve ideal marker in our study group for  hirsute patients with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome .

Key words: Hirsutism, idiopathic hirsutisim , polycystic ovarian syndrome, Totaltestosterone,  Anti mullerian hormone.

Author Biography

  • Hanan A. Altaee, Medical college /Babylon university/Iraq
    department of physiology


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How to Cite

Best Marker to Asses Hirsutisim. (2015). Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences, 3(5).

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