The Influence of Storytelling Method on the Public Speaking Communication Skills among the Students of Mercu Buana University Meruya West Jakarta


  • Gustina Romaria Faculty of Communicaiton, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia



storytelling method, university students, public speaking communication skills


The study aims at identifying the public speaking communication skills among the students of Mercu Buana University Meruya, West Jakarta, before and after the implementation of the storytelling method. In addition, the study also aims at identifying the presence or the absence of the impact of the storytelling method on the public speaking communication skills of the Mercu Buana University students in Meruya, West Jakarta. By using the SPSS Version 20, 40 students have been gathered as the samples of the study and these students come from all faculties in the Mercu Buana University. After the data have been gathered, the data are analyzed using the descriptive statistical test and the hypothesis test. In this regard, the researchers have implemented the normality test and the hypothesis test. The hypotheses within the study are tested using the following criteria: (1) if the rate of significance < a (sig. value < 0.05) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted; and (2) if the rate of significance > a (sig. value > 0.05) then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. The results of the study show that the students of Mercu Buana University have understood the concept and the implementation of the storytelling method. From the results of the analysis toward the assessment category of the storytelling method, out of 8 assessment variables 3 variables do not have significant influence on the storytelling method that the students of Mercu Buana University have implemented and the three variables are Pressure, Material Disclosure, and Participant Gesture. In addition, the results of the paired sample t-test there are significant differences between the pre-test results and the post-test results. These findings show that the storytelling method is highly influential for the changes on the public speaking communication skills that the students of Mercu Buana University perform.


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How to Cite

Romaria, G. (2021). The Influence of Storytelling Method on the Public Speaking Communication Skills among the Students of Mercu Buana University Meruya West Jakarta. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 9(4).


