Divorce: Causes and Effects on Children


  • Ubong E. Eyo Department of Religion and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Calabar




This paper investigates “Divorce: Causes and Effects on Children.†Worthy of note is that the fact that, divorce is not an uncommon experience in human history. It is experienced by couples irrespective of their social, religious, academic, political, economic, etc. status. One of the most hit in the saga of divorce are children born into the wedlock where divorce is experienced. The effects of this divorce on children are most often not well considered by the parents who embark on taking the status of divorcees. This becomes the onus of this paper using sociological and psychoanalytical approaches to the study of human institutions to study these effects on children, though not without looking at the causes of divorce. The paper reveals that the effects of divorce on children often are emotional, psychological, economical and religious spheres among others and recommends ways in which these effects can be minimized among children.

Author Biography

  • Ubong E. Eyo, Department of Religion and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Calabar
    Lecturer II


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How to Cite

Divorce: Causes and Effects on Children. (2018). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 6(5). https://doi.org/10.24203/ajhss.v6i5.5315