Correlation between Group Home Caregiver Gender and Organization Outcomes


  • Leslie Abston Argosy University
  • Mohamad A. Saouli DeVry University
  • Bhaskar Raj Sinha National University
  • Luka Mbewe Argosy University


Group home, trauma informed care, rate classification level, Likert scale, Ordinal scale, ANOVA, Chi-Square test, correlation analysis, regression analysis.


When agencies such as the Child Protection Services, Department of Probation or Child Welfare Services place children in out-of-home care, there seems to be incidents where clients are not afforded adequate protection. Children and youths are further injured and a cycle of maltreatment by caregivers working at these care agencies starts. System-generated trauma from stressful and emotionally overwhelming experiences such as multiple placements, frequent changes in schools, and peer groups has called for the research of studies leading to evidenced-based practices that prove effective in the treatment of this population. The purpose of this quantitative research is to explore the correlation between caregiver gender and adolescents’ trauma related behaviors in nine group homes. Independent t-test procedures were conducted to determine the mean differences between genders. A two tailed significance level of .05 was specified. The findings revealed that gender was significantly related to trauma related behaviors. Male staff members reported experiencing more client aggressive behaviors than female staff members. It is recommended that further study be conducted on group homes to understand how organization characteristics impact client successes while in out-of-home treatment and care.

Author Biographies

  • Leslie Abston, Argosy University

    Argosy University, Orange County, California, USA

  • Mohamad A. Saouli, DeVry University

    DeVry University, Pomona, California, USA

  • Bhaskar Raj Sinha, National University


    Department of Computer Science, Information and Media Systems

    School of Engineering and Computing

    National University

  • Luka Mbewe, Argosy University

    Argosy University, Inland Empire, California, USA


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How to Cite

Correlation between Group Home Caregiver Gender and Organization Outcomes. (2015). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 3(2).

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