Economic Immigration: Second-Class Citizen?


  • Javier Calvo De Mora Professor of School Organization


, social integration, second-generation migrant, civic culture


Economic immigrants are resigned to limit their labour aspirations to market conditions and to accept all offer of employment available for them. Moreove, their offspring have a much less opportunities to establish network relations with other students from diverse cultural and social backgrounds. That is to say, government immigration policies are not centred on family issues, but only on labor needs to new population based on economic criteria.


The background’s study is shared civic culture in social spaces common to parents and children: civil rights and civic responsibilities. The social and political effect of this shared civic space is to support the inclusion and integration, in the medium and the long term, of the foreign population living in a stable situation in the host country.

The problem that results from this social disadvantaged situation is a weak social mobility for second generation of immigrant population.  Furthermore, in this paper I describe indicators to explain a situation marked by deprivation, especially of economic and social necessities in a region of the southern of Spain.

The main finding of the study is a good civic culture of adult economic immigrants,  in spite of their marginalized conditions and low social and economic mobility in the host country, and critical mind of the young people  who do not accept this deprivation situation both their parents and themselves.


Author Biography

  • Javier Calvo De Mora, Professor of School Organization

    Department of Didactic and School Organization



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Economic Immigration: Second-Class Citizen?. (2015). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 3(1).

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