Conflicts and Socioeconomic Consequences in Northeast India


  • Tuhin K. Das Planning and Development Unit Jadavpur University
  • Ivy Das Gupta
  • Sushil K. Haldar
  • Sudakhina Mitra


Conflict, Development, Education, Health


History, culture, religion and identity are often used to legitimise conflicts. But these causes not always act as the sole divisive forces to initiate conflict unless there are economic reasons. Conflict leads to human displacement and loss of life, destruction of assets and low investment. This is the short-run impact of conflict. Short-run impacts consecutively affect economic growth and institution in the long-run. Again low economic growth and institutional degradation deteriorate socioeconomic state of the afflicted people, and which ultimately intensifies conflict. Thus conflicts have negative impacts on socio-economic state in many ways. Northeast India comprising of eight states, has been the land of several conflicts. The conflicts are of wide nature ranging from separatist movements, to inter-community, communal and inter-ethnic conflicts. An empirical analysis in this paper shows that industrial growth in northeast states declined due to conflict. This result is in agreement with findings of other studies. It is also observed that there exists high correlation between socioeconomic condition and industrial growth in this region. This paper is concluded with a discussion on what are the government policies and how those policies resolve conflict in northeast India.


Author Biography

Tuhin K. Das, Planning and Development Unit Jadavpur University

Chair Professor

Planning and Development Unit

Jadavpur University


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How to Cite

Das, T. K., Gupta, I. D., Haldar, S. K., & Mitra, S. (2015). Conflicts and Socioeconomic Consequences in Northeast India. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 3(1). Retrieved from