The Role of Civic Education in the Reinforcement of the Land Ethic Values in the Sustainable Development of the Environment in the Rule of the Law


  • Mahendra Wijaya
  • Suwarto WA
  • Triana Rejekiningsih Sebelas Maret University
  • Triyanto S. Pujowinarto


Value, Civic Education


This research aimed at 1) examining the substance of the land values in the sustainable development of the environment; 2) identifying the land ethic values in the sustainable development of the environment; 3) constructing the role of civic education to reinforce the land ethic values in the sustainable development of the environment in the law of the rule.

This research belonged to a qualitative research, employing socio legal approach. It refers to a combination of both legal and social research. This study was conducted at two litigious villages in Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The qualitative data collected from the research location was analyzed using the interactive model developed by Miles and Huberman.

The finding showed that (1) the substance of sustainable land ethic values is the foundation in applying the land laws which benefitted for the greatest of the people. A citizen with the ability of coordinating the ethic values with the legal norms will act in his obedience to law. The land ethic values in the sustainable development of the environment were belief, respect to land, moral responsibility, social solidarity, compassion and care to land, a non-destructive act to land and ecosystem and an obedience to law. The values could be incorporated in civic education to provide competencies in civic knowledge, civic dispositions and civic skills. They could become tools to prepare young citizens to be future litigious citizens who can uphold land law. Therefore, a sustainable environmental development is not impossible to achieve.


Author Biography

  • Triana Rejekiningsih, Sebelas Maret University

    Departemen : Faculty of teacher training and education science

    position : lecture

    concentration : civic education


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How to Cite

The Role of Civic Education in the Reinforcement of the Land Ethic Values in the Sustainable Development of the Environment in the Rule of the Law. (2014). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 2(4).

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