The End of Infant Homes in the Czech Republic?


  • Mirka Wildmannová Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University, Brno


Substitute family care, professional foster parent, family assistant, social expenditures


Representatives of international organizations defending the rights of children often criticize the Czech Republic for the high number of minors placed into institutional care (i.e. infant homes and children’s homes). The trend throughout Europe in recent years is actually the placement of children in substitute family care. This trend could lead to the vacancy and subsequent dissolution of institutional care facilities.

This paper compares the economic positions of two care models, i.e. the costs of institutional care and foster care (professional families). According to various experts in the field of child psychology and psychiatry, substitute family care is more beneficial to children than institutional care; for this reason, the demand for phasing out activities of infant and children’s homes has been expressed clearly.

The paper contributes to the economic perspective of this discussion. One argument has been whether the dissolution of infant and children’s homes may also lead to decreases in government spending.


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How to Cite

The End of Infant Homes in the Czech Republic?. (2014). Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 2(5).

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